الأرشيف الشهري: نوفمبر 2016

One more update

I have updated the results for the 2016 general election from the complete results posted by al-Anba (http://www.alanba.com.kw/elections/). These results appear to be an updated version of the results posted by the ministry of Information immediately following the election.

Update on the results

The vote totals for the top 12 candidates in each district are the official results from KUNA (which are the same as those reported in the newspapers). The vote totals for candidates who came in below the top 12 in each district are from the Ministry of Information web site, as of the morning of the 27th. Those results are now not available on the ministry website, or any other official source (as of the afternoon of the 27th). The numbers reported on this website, for all except the top 12 candidates in each district, are thus from an official source, but probably are not the final results. I’m hoping for complete, official results eventually.


Candidates are withdrawing, and some were removed from the ballot by the ministry of interior. I’ve updated some of these, though the ministry no longer has a list of candidates on its website, so I’m relying on updates from KUNA and the newspapers.